
Penn State Berks criminal justice students and RIZE youth discuss social issues through art
Ebonie Cunningham Stringer帮助学生和年轻人相互了解.

埃伯尼·坎宁安·斯特林格(站着), center) discusses the exercise with criminal justice student Alexis Schratt (left) and a RIZE youth (right). In the foreground, criminal justice student Abraham Pettie-Homme (far right) works with a RIZE youth on her painting.

图片来源:Mateo Toro提供

Berks criminal justice students and youth from the RIZE program recently met at the GoggleWorks Center in Reading. The purpose of the meeting was to have an open discussion -- through artistic media -- about social justice issues in the city of Reading.

RIZE is a nonprofit youth organization in Berks County that fosters the arts to promote a healthy lifestyle 并通过加强家庭以促进社会变革来团结不同文化的社区.

The project began when approximately 30 criminal justice students enrolled in the course “Race, Crime and Justice” were assigned a formidable task: to apply their knowledge of criminal justice theory to better understand the experiences and perceptions of underrepresented youth in the city of Reading – through art.

The students’ first task was to convert a dance studio within the GoggleWorks into an artist workshop, 埃伯尼·坎宁安·斯金格解释道, 赌博平台大全刑事司法助理教授.

在完成了Cunningham Stringer和Justin DeSenso的课程阅读和讲座之后, 英语和非裔美国人研究讲师, 学生们会见了大约25名RIZE青年, ages 7-22 years, 在临时的艺术工作室里.

“Many of the youth in RIZE are racial and ethnic minorities who have been directly or indirectly impacted by the criminal justice system,坎宁安·斯特林格解释道.

Dr. Ebonie Cunningham Stringer和RIZE青年在GoggleWorks.

Dr. 埃伯尼·坎宁安·斯特林格(站着), center) helped the group of Penn State criminal justice students and RIZE youth get to know each other through rap.

图片来源:Mateo Toro提供

She goes on to state that the evening began with a rap session – an informal conversation where participants got to know each other. Criminal justice students shared some of what they were learning in their courses and their career aspirations. 最终,话题转向了社区的治安问题.   

“Initially older RIZE members remained on the periphery of the discussion while the younger students dominated. 很明显,年轻的学生们很钦佩执法部门, 许多人都立志成为警察. However, it became apparent that there were divergent views and experiences among the group. 当一个8岁的女孩分享她看到她的叔叔被捕的经历, 房间里有一种微妙的变化. Older students began to share their personal and community experiences with law enforcement, 用暗语说话是为了保护年轻参与者的清白. The conversation took a surprising turn to students’ feelings of safety and security in their schools,坎宁安·斯特林格解释道. 

而学校安全问题一开始并没有提上日程, its emergence was an illustration of another discipline-specific concept–that practitioners and researchers should never presume to know or be an authority on the lives of those they serve and study. 因此,研讨会立即进行了调整,以强调对年轻人重要的东西, 坎宁安·斯特林格解释道.  

她接着讲述了获奖青年谈到防弹玻璃的故事, 他们需要随时在身上显示身份, 锁着的门和活跃的枪手在他们的学校演习. 一名7岁的女孩以实事求是的坦率表达了自己的看法, “如果有人在学校开枪, 你必须把所有的桌子靠在门上,或者躲起来.” Training to barricade doors and find ideal hiding spaces seemed as normal as fire drills in schools. 

Meanwhile older students spoke about their experiences of having school resource officers (SROs). Rather than feeling safe, they expressed uneasiness and tension around SROs with whom they said the student body often had an adversarial relationship. 

“For them, the visible presence of law enforcement seemed to be associated with spontaneous violence, 无论是在执法部门还是同学手中,坎宁安·斯特林格说. “These dynamics interfered with rather than provided a safe haven for the learning process.” 

Cunningham Stringer explained that the workshop transitioned from a discussion about justice, 学校和执法部门通过艺术媒介来表达这些想法. 学生们被鼓励使用纹理, printed images, 用颜色和符号在空白画布上表达自己的想法. 

Throughout the exercise, Berks students helped RIZE youth to work through their ideas and determine how they could be translated to the canvas. 这为伯克学院的学生提供了一个与社区青年一对一合作的机会, learning more about their stories and experiences and making meaningful connections to course content. 

Penn State Berks criminal justice students and RIZE youth shared their stories with the community by way of an art exhibition titled Painting Justice, 在最近的“打破障碍?, “架起桥梁”社区活动于11月11日在雷丁高中举行. 8. 该活动以口语、舞蹈、音乐和其他艺术形式为特色.  

“一旦回到教室, 刑事司法专业的学生反思他们的经历, 把理论之间的点联系起来, 统计和概念以及受影响的人的人性. The experience taught them that the voices of underrepresented youth must be raised and centered in conversations about justice. 他们的经历和看法并不相似, 他们的声音极大地增加了关于种族的讨论, crime and justice,坎宁安·斯特林格说.

“对于那些将继续享受执法事业的人来说, 惩戒和其他刑事司法专业, 他们必须与他们所服务的社区的人性联系起来, 以及理解刑事司法政策的附带后果, particularly among youth.”

About RIZE
RIZE is a nonprofit youth organization in Berks County that fosters the arts to promote a healthy lifestyle, 并通过加强家庭以促进社会变革来团结不同文化的社区. RIZE项目旨在解决社会困境, violence prevention and criminal justice reform initiatives by uniting cultures through performing and media arts education. 该项目由埃德娜·加西亚-迪皮尼创立.

Penn State Berks offers both a bachelor of arts and a bachelor of science in criminal justice. 这两个学位都为不断增长的市场修正提供了强有力的准备, parole and probation, law enforcement, and courts. Writing, speaking, research, and computer skills are also emphasized in each of the degree programs. The skills, 再加上对犯罪来源的了解, the justice system, 以及刑事司法政策, 为有兴趣从事刑事司法职业的学生提供坚实的基础. Penn State Berks criminal justice graduates work in all phases of the criminal justice system. Other graduates have gone on to law school or are pursuing master's and doctoral degrees. 该计划的重点是传统的文科技能的批判性思维, analysis, 沟通为学生在任何刑事司法领域的职业生涯做准备.